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ESTNN Overwatch Player of the Year

If there is one player who has backed up all the hype and proven themselves in 2020, it’s Kyung-bo "Alarm" Kim.

Alarm is the Rookie of the Year and shining star of the Philadelphia Fusion even with old teammate Carpe on the lineup. Most of the Overwatch community has had their eyes on Alarm since he was a young all-star for Fusion University. Not only does the young flex-support player have four Contenders titles under his belt, but has also competed in both the North American and Korean regions. 

When Overwatch was first released, Alarm was only 15 years old. At first, it was just a source of entertainment. His first competitive experience with Overwatch was on Bo-Byeom “Bokyems” Kim’s team, BK Stars, along with Jae-Hyeok “Carpe” Lee. A few seasons into APEX, it wasn’t working out. So the team disbanded, and Alarm played a filler role for Lunatic-Hai back in 2017 when the main roster switched to the Overwatch League and became the original Seoul Dynasty roster. He set his sights on North America and transferred to Fusion University, going on to win four Contenders Finals.

From Contenders to Overwatch League

Alarm and the rest of the Fusion University roster had a tear through NA Contenders; dominating so consistently, they decided to play in Korea for more of a challenge. A challenge is what they got. Making it to the Quarterfinals of Season 2 Korea Contenders only to lose to team Run Away.

In October 2019, the Fusion was looking to break out of the middle of the power rankings. Alarm turned 18 during the season, and the Philadelphia Fusion pulled Alarm from Fusion University and put him on the main roster. There is no shortage of talent or versatility with Alarm, excelling on Zenyatta and Baptiste with his superhuman game sense. Throughout the year, Alarm had no issue keeping pace with the other superstars on the Philadelphia Fusion.

The Philadelphia Fusion saw a massive boom in success this year, in part because of Alarm’s consistent performance. Out of the three mid-season tournaments, the Philadelphia Fusion placed second at both the Countdown Cup and Summer Showdown. As the metas evolved, Alarm adapted, allowing the rest of his team to play whatever they were most comfortable with. This rookie had a lot of expectations lined up for him coming into the Overwatch League. It is safe to say that he more than lived up to the challenge, and even surprised us all along the way. It is for these reasons the Alarm is ESTNN’s Overwatch Player of the Year.

The post ESTNN Overwatch Player of the Year appeared first on Esports News Network | ESTNN.

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