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Dota 2: Virtus.Pro Knocks Out OG And TI 10's Prize Pool Reaches $20 Million

Virtus.Pro win against OG, and the latest battle pass continues to break levels, with TI 10's prize pool reaching $20 million USD.

The Beyond Epic: Europe & CIS is slowly coming to an end. This tournament brought together some of the best teams in these two regions who fought with everything they have. After Alliance was eliminated from the event, despite being one of the favorites, another team that also was supposedly going to be one of the winners is also out.

What happened?

OG and Virtus.Pro both didn’t have a good time in the Group Stage of this event. In fact, the CIS powerhouse lost three of their series in this event but somehow they’ve managed to go through.

Even though OG performed a little bit better, the team still ended up in the Lower Bracket. As a result, they had to face VP in a direct clash there. Despite being the favorite in this matchup, Johan "N0tail" Sundstein and his friends couldn’t survive VP’s drafts.

The first game of the series was really one-sided (as was the second one). The main star of the show was the best CIS mid laner in the last couple of years Vladimir “No[o]ne Minenko. His incredible Queen of Pain gave OG a headache after he finished with twenty-two kills and just one death.

Despite the strong game one, OG still had something to say in this series. In fact, they absolutely destroyed their opponents in game two after gaining a significant lead from the laning stage. Due to their draft, OG was able to keep themselves intact for the vast majority of the time. As a result, they gave VP no chances at all and pushed the series into a final game three.

The last game of the series had nothing to do with the previous two. Both teams gave it all out and we saw a constant back-and-forth battle as neither of them was really able to pressure the other team to a point of submission.

Despite that, OG had a small lead that they tried to use in their favor. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen as VP managed to make an amazing comeback and changes the balance of power. After losing such a big team fight, OG had no other choice but to call GG and wish their enemies good luck in their future matches.

The International 10’s Prize pool is now $20,000,000

As expected, this Battle Pass is breaking one record after another. As you know, Valve just released the exclusive Battle Level Bundle for TI 20. This set can be purchased up to two times by a player.

Needless to say, this had a huge impact on the prize pool, which now reached the jaw-dropping amount of $20 million USD. We can only imagine what it will look like once this Battle Pass comes to an end.

Valve recently announced that we can use this pass until the mid of September this year. Normally, each TI takes place in August, which means that the tournament would be over back then. However, due to COVID-19, TI 10 has been postponed and so far there's been known information from Valve about when it will be held.


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